We have a book at our house called Heartprints. It's a book that focuses on doing kind deeds for others and when you do, you are leaving a "Heartprint." The other morning MacKenzie came bouncing down the stairs with the book in her hand. She said, "Mom, can I bring this book to school?" I asked her why. Her response,"Because it's a book about doing nice things and being nice to people. And some of the boys in my class haven't been being very nice." She wanted to take it to school and ask her teacher to read it to the class. I said, "Of course you can bring it to school. Just make sure you bring it back home." That afternoon she came home and said, "Mom, Mrs. Williamson wants to know if I can bring the book back with me tomorrow. She wants to read it to the class again." So she brought it back to school with her the next day. That afternoon she comes running off the bus with the biggest grin on her face. I asked how her day was. Through her huge smile she said, "Guess what!? All of the other 1st grade teachers read the book to their class too. AND now we have a brand new thing in our class. We each have a paper heart with our names on it. When our teachers catch us doing kind things for others, we get a stamp called a "Heartprint" on our heart, and when we get 10 stamps, we get a prize!" Leave it to MacKenzie to get an entire new program about doing kind deeds implemented at her school! She is such a kind, caring soul.