Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sixteen Weeks


Team Dale said...

Wow! It's going least for me! Hope you are feeling good!! can't wait to find out in 28 more weeks!!

Lindsay said...

Goodness, I hope I don't go another 28 weeks. That would make me 44 weeks pregnant!! No thank you.


Tif Winship said...

So cool! I can't believe you're joining the "crazy" club of having 4! I'm so happy for you guys!

Kristyn said...

Congrats on your pregnancy! Layne and I are expecting baby #3 :) I am sixteen weeks this week. So not too far behind you. We are hoping to not find out this time. We'll see how we do with that. We've found out both other times---so we are gender finder outers too. HA!